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Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Palin voting
Mark Stein also found a photograph of Sarah Palin voting that I like. Thank you, Mr. Stein.
[Copied here for archival purposes on November 5, 2008, from the post linked above at HughHewitt.com.]
I want to definitively associate myself, on the record, with the remarks of Goat-Hate-Speech Defendant Mark Steyn, who, on NRO's The Corner, links to the picture below (from a Tim Blair blog post in Australia's Daily Telegraph, hiya Tim!) with this comment:
I like this picture of Sarah Palin voting. Heavy on the Caribou, light on the Barbie. She didn't need to be dunked in RNC bling. And the more the campaign went on and the more she wiggled free of her minders, the better she sounded. If you've got organic style, you shouldn't be shoehorned into generic campaign issue. If the night goes the way it seems to be heading, the differences between the Governor and the campaign will be one of the most interesting parts of the GOP post-mortem.

Amen, Brother Steyn. I'll write later, and much longer, about Gov. Palin, this campaign just passed, and her incredibly bright future on the national political scene. But I emphatically agree that this picture — not that it's cheesecake, which it's not (no more than any picture of her is, which is a little, because yes, she is nice looking), but that it's bluejeans on Election Day! — is the future of the GOP and conservatives in the 21st Century.
(I'll let the elite folks at Slate diagram that sentence if they feel the need.)
Posted by Beldar at 05:59 AM in Palin | Permalink
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(1) Kelly made the following comment | Nov 7, 2008 1:46:42 PM | Permalink
Bill, thanks for all the info during the weeks preceeding the election. Loved the photo album of Weiss!! Just finish reading Mark Levin's book "Rescuing Sprite". What a WONDERFUL read, but very emotional for me to get through. Best wishes and God Bless you and our country in the years ahead.
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