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Sunday, October 19, 2008
A searing and timely account ... of a state senator who glorified a domestic terrorist turned radical "educator"
Other than his unsigned Harvard Law Review note, is this the first published writing of Barack Obama — a glorification of Bill Ayers?
My latest guest-post at HughHewitt.com reprints this photo of the book review with a link back to its source and just a bit of commentary.
[Copied here for archival purposes on November 5, 2008, from the post linked above at HughHewitt.com.]
(Guest Post by Bill Dyer a/k/a Beldar).
From an authoritative and comprehensive post at zomblog (don't even think of suggesting that this is a photo-shopped fake, because you'll just make an utter fool of yourself if you do)(h/t Ace), here is a photograph of the short book review written by then Illinois state senator Barack Obama for Bill Ayers' then-new book, A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court, as published on page 5 of section 14 of the Chicago Tribune on Sunday, December 21, 1997:

As it happens, our country is now in need of courageous individuals — voters who have the courage to use their common sense.
Common sense, after all, is all that is needed to realize that we can't risk the future of our country on a would-be president who has such poor judgment as to glorify the work of an unrehabilitated and unrepentant domestic terrorist turned radical "educator."
Common sense, after all, is all that it takes to realize that we can't risk the future of our country on a would-be president who is dishonest enough to try to conceal his relationship with that twisted dollop of evil scum by describing him as just "a guy from my neighborhood."
UPDATE (Sun Oct 19 @ 5:50 p.m. CST): The text of Ayers' book refers to "writer Barack Obama" in giving examples of Ayers' racially integrated neighborhood. Also mentioned: "minister Louis Farrakhan," said to add "a unique dimension to the idea of 'safe neighborhood watch': the Fruit of Islam, his security force, has an eye on things twenty-four hours a day." Yes, indeed, it's becoming increasingly and dismayingly clear what it means to be a "guy in [Barack Obama's] neighborhood"!
Posted by Beldar at 03:32 AM in 2008 Election, Obama, Politics (2008) | Permalink
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(1) rls made the following comment | Oct 19, 2008 4:36:04 AM | Permalink
Picked this up in the comments at a blog:
I have been “stiffed” three times in my 30 year professional career by someone who I rendered services to, gave a finished product to, but who refused to pay for those services even though they acknowledged the services and products were correct, were what they asked for, and were never challenged for not being correct. I am lucky in having only three, but those three hurt badly.
Joe Biden was one of those people. I worked on his 1988 Presidential campaign financial disclosure engagement. I busted it for him and got everything right. He stiffed me for over $15,000 worth of work. He refused to pay once he dropped out of the race. I did similar Capitol Hill campaign financial disclosure work for Bob Dole, Pat Buchanan, and a Democratic candidate for Ambassador to New Zealand . All of those folks paid even though they lost the election or did not get the appointment. That type of work is very demanding and very tedious because your efforts are scrutinized by Congress. Biden did not care.
I am on the Board of Directors of a company that owns a majority position in a private jet management company in Northern Virginia . They manage jets for businesses and rich folks. They also charter planes to the public. This past winter John Thompson chartered over $250,000 worth of air time. He paid every penny.
Joe Biden, in his latest unsuccessful run for President, chartered over $150,000 worth of air time. He PAID ZERO. He continues to refuse to pay stating his race is over and he is out of money. He never once complained about his flights. Joe Biden is a rich man. He could pay.
Joe Biden is a liar and a cheat. I know it first hand. Character is what life is all about. Joe Biden is a man of bad character and sets a bad example for America .
I feel compelled to share this dark side of a man who asks for your vote and trust.
Best Regards,
Bruce D. Riddle, CPA, CFP
BDR Associates, LLC
2401 Research Boulevard, Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20850
Work - (240) 631-1981
Cell - (301) 580-7800
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Website - http://www.bdrtax.com
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