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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Because we can learn about Sarah Palin from looking at her family scrapbook ...

More Palin pix — you'll want to see these. (H/t to Prestopundit Greg Ransom, who has many other great links, videos, and posts on Gov. Palin!)

Posted by Beldar at 12:09 PM in 2008 Election, McCain, Palin, Politics (2008) | Permalink


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(1) PC14 made the following comment | Aug 31, 2008 1:13:09 PM | Permalink

Oh the snark. I can just hear those Upper East-Side moms, already pissy because the Hamptons' season is over and their 3 and 4 year olds didn't get into the top, socially acceptable preschool, really working those photos over the coals.

(2) arb made the following comment | Aug 31, 2008 1:38:13 PM | Permalink

Re: photo 9
"Of course, you all know what a moose is. That's big game. The first day I shot two bucks. That was the biggest game we had."

(3) Richard Sharpe made the following comment | Aug 31, 2008 3:52:13 PM | Permalink

Are the Dems getting so unhinged?

[Edit: Mr. Sharpe, I thank you for your comment, and I know your intention for it was to point to a particularly deranged and vicious bit of gossip by those who are desperate to smear Sarah Palin and her family. The particular steaming pile of excrement that you linked to, however, has as its primary target one of Gov. Palin's daughters, and is only secondarily about her. My preference is not to help such trash spread even to the extent of allowing it to be linked from my comments section. I hope you will forgive me for deleting that link. It's a judgment call on my part, but one that -- as a father of a daughter almost the same age -- I make without hesitation. — Beldar, Sun Aug 31 @ 4:20pm.]

(4) JAWilson made the following comment | Aug 31, 2008 6:11:20 PM | Permalink

Those are great pics. The real scandal here is that she dated her husband because he had a fast car.

The more I see of her and her family, the more I hope MCPalin wins the race. The future is in her eyes.

(5) Richard Sharpe made the following comment | Aug 31, 2008 6:28:46 PM | Permalink

I understand.

There is an enormous number of disgusting things being said about this woman on the internet, and some, of course, malign her children or her husband.

It's almost as if they think she has no business butting her head into politics.

(6) Charlie (Colorado) made the following comment | Aug 31, 2008 7:11:38 PM | Permalink

Dude, where are the bikini pictures?

(7) Michael J. Myers made the following comment | Aug 31, 2008 11:35:52 PM | Permalink

Some of the stuff that's being said is just unbelievable. Beldar, trying to deal with the crap that's coming from the DU, Kos and Andrew Sullivan and Colmes cround is like trying to clean out the Augean Stables. I know you're a Palin supporter--you've got your work cut out for you.

I caught part of her interview on oil on TV tonight. It's refreshing to sit and listen to someone who knows what she's talking about in the energy field. Three of the top four candidates will inevitably beclown themselves on the topic. She won't. She's no friend of the oil companies--but she also has a clue. Nice to see her there and I hope she has some influence on this country's future energy policies.

(8) Brian made the following comment | Sep 1, 2008 12:08:35 AM | Permalink

Mr. Sharpe, I thank you for your comment, and I know your intention for it was to point to a particularly deranged and vicious bit of gossip by those who are desperate to smear Sarah Palin and her family.

To be fair, if she wanted to avoid "getting personal," personal photos should not have been released.

You can't have it both ways. You can't say, "get to know me in an intimate, personal way," and not allow someone to say, "thanks for showing me, but I don't like what I see."

If she wants to "butt her head into politics" then she has to live with the KNOWN consequences. It's unfortunate that this is the state of things, but it IS the state of things. Therefore, she has to accept a level of responsibility for it. She could have said "No," to McCain, and cited her family's dignity for that. She didn't.

I DO agree that it is ugly and underhanded, but that's life. If she wants one of the most coveted jobs in the U.S., then that's what comes with it. She's smart enough to know that. It was a calculated, politically, power-motivted decision that all political power-mongers make. Just like McCain, and just like Obama and Biden.

(9) Mongo Mere Pawn made the following comment | Sep 1, 2008 5:19:19 AM | Permalink


What's the over/under on when the MSM goes after her Assemblies of God background and traditional Christian faith? I've seen some discussion of a statement she made on teaching creationism in the classroom (she's for discussing it if it comes up, but not for imposing it as a matter of law), but so far they've simply left it at guilt by association given the excitement of evangelicals.

I don't think the MSM will be able to hold back, but the second they go after her for her religious beliefs and background, guess who becomes relevant again? Our good friend, Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

(10) Milhouse made the following comment | Sep 1, 2008 11:59:26 AM | Permalink

Mongo, they're already doing it. Although she does not identify as Pentecostal, the church she attends when she's in Juneau is a Pentecostal one; for that reason alone the lefty blogs, who can't tell all these Christians apart without a program, are smearing her as a "dominionist".

(11) Norman Conquest made the following comment | Sep 1, 2008 2:35:54 PM | Permalink

For a beautiful woman, she's sure had a long history of ugly and unflattering hairstyles. I like whatever you call that pinned-up hair she has today, but the way it falls in the hunting picture is lovely.

Just thank heaven that John Edwards is not the Dem VP pick. I'm sure there are no bad hair pics in HIS closet.

(12) Norman Conquest made the following comment | Sep 1, 2008 2:37:25 PM | Permalink

For a beautiful woman, she's sure had a long history of ugly and unflattering hairstyles. I like whatever you call that pinned-up hair she has today, but the way it falls in the hunting picture is lovely.

Just thank heaven that John Edwards is not the Dem VP pick. I'm sure there are no bad hair pics in HIS closet.

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