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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
And Obama ricochets off the turnbuckle into a reverse pile-driver move on Hillary, who slams off the canvas but rebounds into a scissors leg-lock around Obama's neck ...
This video is the political equivalent of a televised professional wrestling match โ in which both wrestlers genuinely lose their tempers, and each lands some genuine blows that hurt the other.
Best single exchange, at about six minutes into the video, as they're arguing about whether Hillary & Co. have been engaging in unfair, untruthful attacks on Sen. Immaculate:
CLINTON: I just want to be clear about this. In an editorial board with the Reno newspaper [sic], you said two different things, because I have read the transcript. You talked about Ronald Reagan being a transformative political leader. I did not mention his name.
OBAMA: Your husband did.
CLINTON: Well, I am here. He is not โ
OBAMA: Okay. Well, I can't tell who I'm running against sometimes!
Just brutal. (And brutal precisely because it's so true.) But keep watching, because Hillary has a retort that draws "ooohs" and "ahhhhhs" from the blood-thirsty crowd.
Posted by Beldar at 12:21 AM in 2008 Election, Obama, Politics (2008) | Permalink
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(1) hunter made the following comment | Jan 22, 2008 8:06:05 AM | Permalink
Obama has maybe a few days left to pull this out.
He needs to force the Clintons to stop using Bill, or at least get Bill to do something so over the top that he neutralizes himself. If Obama does not, he is finished. Clintons are doing a genius move - Bill gets to say the bad, angry redneck democrat stuff, while Hillary gets to act all New York liberal. Obama needs to confront her completely on this - "Senator Clinton, you want it both ways. You want to stand above the fray and have Bill say what you really feel. But then you want to hide behind Bill if anyone responds to what you have had him say. That is a clever campaign tactic, but it is the exact opposite of Presidential. It is manipulative and misleading. Bill is not running for President. And from the way he is acting, it is not clear you really are either. If you cannot take responsibility for your own campaign, how are you possibly going to protect America and move America forward?"
(2) Scott made the following comment | Jan 22, 2008 8:10:55 AM | Permalink
You could stand to watch that?
Cat Fight not withstanding (Pit Fight, I suppose, as it wasn't Edwards and Clinton going at it), I can't even stand republican debates, let alone the Dems...
(3) LarryD made the following comment | Jan 22, 2008 11:39:41 AM | Permalink
Bill is Hillary's co-campaigner. ;-)
Obama does indeed need to call them on it.
(4) Gregory Koster made the following comment | Jan 22, 2008 2:20:12 PM | Permalink
Trouble is, how does Obama call out Billyboy? "Senator Clinton, your husband is being mean to me, and he should stop it." That isn't going to get very far. The Clintons believe they've conned the black population into thinking Billary is their bestest buds. This judgment, while more frayed than it was last year, is still sound. To the extent that Obama does call out Billyboy (he should have retorted, "Two for the price of one?" when Hillary said she was on the stage, not her husband) he is buying trouble for himself in the general election. This is always a problem in primary races, but it is more of a problem for Obama than Clinton, I think. Once you finish counting the black vote, who is really for Obama? There's not that many brie eaters in this nation. To be sure, Hillary unites Republicans in a way that no other Democrat eligible to run would, but bawling for a restoration would compensate for that. Or so I think.
(5) Friend #1 made the following comment | Jan 23, 2008 2:38:56 PM | Permalink
Beldar, I will assume you are in mourning over Fred dropping out. I won't give you a hard time, but you must admit that I was completely correct about Fred. He was an embarrassingly bad campaigner with an outdated message -- Reaganism. Always remember that elections are about the future, not the distant past.
Let me say congratulations to Mike Huckabee. I underestimated his staying power. He has certainly proven that the "Huck-a-Boom" is not over. And with Fred the lobbyist officially out of the way, Huckabee may garner enough delegates to play an important role at the GOP convention. Could we see a McCain-Huckabee ticket this fall??
Congratulations as well to Ron Paul, for capturing a "silver" in Nevada. He has proven that Republican oddballs still have a place under the big tent. Looks like we'll be seeing Paul in Minneapolis (at the GOP convention, hopefully not at the Minneapolis Airport) in a few months.
Most of all, congratulations to John "My Friends" McCain, who has finally emerged as the GOP frontrunner. (True, Romney will probably waste McCain's resources before the inevitable coronation, but people aren't giving boatloads of money to Republican candidates, anyway.) McCain is a straight talker who gives the GOP its only legitimate shot to win in November. With a rational approach to undocumented workers, plus an admirable track record on campaign finance reform, Republican regulars should have little trouble falling in line. After all, winning (or at least trying not to lose toi bad) is priority number one for the righties once all is said and done.
So what can you expect from your standard-bearer this fall? I think McCain will probably run a respectable and positive campaign and won't concentrate on niggling and unnecessarily divisive issues like "illegal immigration" or preservation of the Bush tax cuts. He'll probably defer to his opponent on issues relating to the economy (as that is not his area of experience), and McCain will argue for a massive expansion of the war in Iraq.
I think we're all set on the GOP side for this fall. Any disagreement?
(6) Jonathan Sadow made the following comment | Jan 27, 2008 7:22:38 PM | Permalink
Beldar, you say that you know personally that this "Friend #1" is for real? It's just hard to believe that someone who makes posts so full of assertions that are at best unproven isn't some AI project deliberately programmed to be contrarian.
As to the merits of the post, thin as they are, don't be surprised if Thompson gets on the ticket as vice-president should McCain indeed be the presidential nominee. The two are good friends, and my guess is that, if one were to interview every Republican voting in these primaries as to whom their second choice for president would be, Thompson would probably be the consensus pick.
Whomever the Republicans do pick for their ticket, their best candidate is still Hillary Clinton, whose presence at the top of the Democrat ticket would all but assure a Republican victory in November.
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