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Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Ohio Sec-State's presidential voting returns website
The official website is here.
I will state for the record that although protracted legal proceedings in Ohio and/or other states over the next few days or weeks would probably do wonders for my own blog's traffic, I would gladly forego that whole ordeal.
Posted by Beldar at 01:20 AM in Politics (2006 & earlier) | Permalink
Other weblog posts, if any, whose authors have linked to Ohio Sec-State's presidential voting returns website and sent a trackback ping are listed here:
» Ohio: It's all over but the lawsuits from No Illusions
Tracked on Nov 3, 2004 3:57:26 AM
(1) mshyde made the following comment | Nov 3, 2004 2:43:41 AM | Permalink
Who wants cheese with that whine? :)
Ohio Provisional Ballots: The New Democratic Mythology
CQ reader and fellow insomniac Byron Matthews found this tally of provisional ballots for Ohio, showing that the total number of provos -- 76,027 -- comes up to just over half of Bush's lead in the state.
This race is over. Even Democrats can do math.
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