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Saturday, October 30, 2004
BeldarBlog hits one million Sitemeter page views
Woohoo! A few minutes ago I took this screencap from my Sitemeter stats:
(The 67,485 pre-March 10, 2004 — when I installed the Sitemeter tracking software into my blog pages — is from my hosting service TypePad's own statistics screen, which measures hits in some slightly different way than Sitemeter's "page views" and "visits.")
This is certainly an appropriate occasion to again thank the various bloggers and (much more rare) mainstream media writers who've seen fit to link and discuss my posts on BeldarBlog; the Blogad advertisers (both of them!) and supporters who've thrown a buck or two into my Tip Jar (mostly symbolic but nevertheless much appreciated and highly motivational); and most of all, those of you who've visited to read my longwinded rants and musings. [Insert heartfelt and gushing Sally Fields-at-the-Oscars impression here.]
I quite expect my traffic to crater after the election, and I'm reconciled to that prospect. (Heavens forbid a long legal battle over the election results — which would probably be great for my blog traffic, but severely taxing on my mental health!) But I'm still thrilled to pass this milestone today. I think it's time for me to find a good bottle of California champagne to celebrate! Any recommendations?
Posted by Beldar at 03:40 PM in Weblogs | Permalink
Other weblog posts, if any, whose authors have linked to BeldarBlog hits one million Sitemeter page views and sent a trackback ping are listed here:
» Congratulations to BeldarBlog from Pajama Pundits
Tracked on Oct 30, 2004 10:36:20 PM
» Beldar hits 1M from The Truth Laid Bear
Tracked on Oct 30, 2004 10:59:08 PM
(1) Bonifacio Bonny Garcia made the following comment | Oct 30, 2004 3:57:52 PM | Permalink
The best California champagne [sic] is made by Schramsburg in Napa. Their vintage blanc de blanc runs for $28 to $32 retail. They have a great story about how Nixon toasted his agreement with China with the blanc de blanc. This was the first time an American diplomatic agreement was toasted with an American rather than a French champagne [sic]. Apparently, since that time (according to Schramsburg) all American diplomatic agreements are now toasted with Schramsburg.
(2) Beldar made the following comment | Oct 30, 2004 4:01:57 PM | Permalink
Thanks for the quick response (and polite pointer to my typo, which I've since blushingly corrected), Bonifacio. I'm off to see if I can find some Schramsburg!
(3) Maxim made the following comment | Oct 30, 2004 4:20:32 PM | Permalink
Congratulations, Beldar. Your rants are of the highest quality. Looks like a lot of us appreciate them.
(4) Ann made the following comment | Oct 30, 2004 4:27:58 PM | Permalink
Don't know anything about champagne, but hearty congratulations on your milestone! I enjoy your rants, and wish you many years of successful blogging.
(5) OhMike made the following comment | Oct 30, 2004 4:33:17 PM | Permalink
Congratulations. Most days you put the high-paid, MSM hacks to shame with your sound editorial judgement and logical, well-reasoned arguments. Reading your blog sure beats watching Chris Matthews embarrass himself.
You're one man making a difference. Keep it up.
(6) Steel Turman made the following comment | Oct 30, 2004 4:46:30 PM | Permalink
Case of Coors and some Cheddarwurst will yeild
infinitely more enjoyment ... American and so
good. Congrats.
(7) antimedia made the following comment | Oct 30, 2004 4:58:27 PM | Permalink
The great thing about blogs is that you get traffic because you write well and you make cogent arguments, whether or not your readers agree with them.
Yours is a blog I read daily precisely because the writing is engaging and the arguments are sound. I hope your stats don't crater after the election. If they do, mine will probably be non-existant. ;-)
(8) Dan made the following comment | Oct 30, 2004 5:29:55 PM | Permalink
A hardy COngratulations on your accomplishment Beldar!
(9) DC Carter made the following comment | Oct 30, 2004 6:23:15 PM | Permalink
Beldar, I couldn't have phrased my comments and feelings any better than Anti Media.
Congratulations and all the best! You are a blog ROCK STAR.
(10) leon dixon made the following comment | Oct 30, 2004 7:36:43 PM | Permalink
A Pinot Noir from Oregon would be much more healthy for you. Recent revelations are that it contains more reservtrol than any other wine. Once the bottle is opened, however, the total contents must be poured as reservtrol is an anti-oxident. This immediate consumption requirement may or may not be a problem. The Pinot noir grape was originally French and is thought then to be the reason they can eat like Americans and yet remain healthy.
(11) Kate made the following comment | Oct 30, 2004 7:50:46 PM | Permalink
Many Congrats. Your site is fast becoming one of the best...
(12) Scott made the following comment | Oct 30, 2004 8:57:42 PM | Permalink
Forget California champagne. Nothing good comes out of California anymore. Go for some good old Texas wine. Or Jack Daniel's.
(13) Mark L made the following comment | Oct 30, 2004 10:13:28 PM | Permalink
Why not consider something closer to home. St Arnolds, a Houston microbrewry has some good beers and ales. They come out with special stuff all the time. Right now they have an Elissa brand Indian-style ale that is really good. (Though heavier than champagne. Their lawnmower Pilsner might be a better champagne cognate.
I don't know about the rest of your readers, but I will still be here. You offer some good insights, and -- like Laurence Simon -- are a blogger local to where I live. Yer stuck with me.
(14) Birkel made the following comment | Oct 30, 2004 11:38:22 PM | Permalink
Beldar, I do not wish to become a sycophantic reader, yet I very much admire you. And your writing. And your utter sense of control. You don't rant so much as spew truth in bursts.
I'll be back long after the election.
P.S. I just passed 2,500. LOL.
(15) mcg made the following comment | Oct 30, 2004 11:48:52 PM | Permalink
Excuse me, where are my manners.
Iron Horse Vineyards. Blanc de Blancs. (Actually, any of it.)
Served at the White House---in a Republican administration no less :)
(16) Charlie made the following comment | Oct 31, 2004 12:07:37 AM | Permalink
Need to back of on the California bashing ;)
There's a large number of us here that have strong values, and aren't moonbats.
Plus here in San Diego county, we have Camp Pendleton, Mimamar, the Seals base, and many other fine military personel who are now protecting our country in Iraq and elsewhere in the world.
Not to mention the many fine wines we do have...
Congrats on the 1 million!
(17) Beshado'd made the following comment | Oct 31, 2004 12:45:31 AM | Permalink
Congratulations! You don't say what your budget is for a champagne, but it seems to me it had to have been about 2000, that all the 'grand dame' French champagnes (including Dom and Vouve Cliquot, both $100+++ bottles) got trounced by a $35 Napa sparkler in a double-blind taste test. There'll be something there for you. (grin)
(18) SteveoBrien made the following comment | Oct 31, 2004 2:07:48 AM | Permalink
I'm new to your site. I got tired of forever ending up here due to links so added you to my (fairly sparse) list of my RSS aggregator. I don't do this readily and dont take additions lightly.
This is the highest compliment I can personally extend.
Except that I'd like to add: Thank you and congratulations for a job well done. :)
PS: folks like me with only 30 or so regular blogs to visit (I have maybe 500 bookmarked but rarely use themm) still are very busy. Good sites that we like have several articles (to many) daily. I'd much prefer to read or preview EACH article than take pot luck and totally miss some site I really want to read. Those with aggregators aren't going away next week. We're just smart enough to know the RSS feeds we plan to need.
(19) Porcell made the following comment | Oct 31, 2004 6:48:11 AM | Permalink
Congrats Beldar on this first-rate site. I'm an election newbie who intends to stay. I'm, also, waiting impatiently for the results of your analysis of the Swiftee propositions.
(20) adamthemadman made the following comment | Oct 31, 2004 4:24:17 PM | Permalink
US Sparkling Wine list from BevMo.com
It looks like they rate Domaine Carneros Le Reve '97 as high as the Schramsberg J Schram '97, and it costs a little less...
(21) Micahel made the following comment | Dec 30, 2004 6:39:45 PM | Permalink
Keep up the great work. I would recommend a trip to NAPA and a bottle of Blanc de Noirs at http://www.chandon.com/jsp/wines/reserve_blanc_de_noirs.jsp
Reward your wife for putting up with the your dedication to you blog.
Semper Fi
(22) Serge made the following comment | Jan 1, 2005 7:14:01 PM | Permalink
I think that it will be a great solution for NAPA. .
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