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Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Judicial Watch supplements its request for Navy Dep't investigation of Kerry medals
An eagle-eyed reader alerts me that Judicial Watch has a new press release summarizing its supplemental request filed today with the Navy Department and other DoD officials, asking them to look into various irregularities and oddities regarding Sen. John Kerry's medals from his Vietnam service.
Art Moore's related WorldNetDaily.com article indicates that John O'Neill's Unfit for Command co-author, Dr. Jerome Corsi, is assisting Judicial Watch in its efforts, and that this hot potato still resides on the corner of a desk somewhere in the Navy Department:
Chris Farrell, Judicial Watch's director of investigations and research, told WND he had a 20-minute phone conversation last week with a Navy inspector who had the complaint on his desk but said he was waiting for instructions from "someone with a much higher pay grade."
This strikes me as an astute effort to try to generate more public attention on the medals irregularities. But I continue to think it would be a stretch to expect much, if any, action by the Navy Department on this complaint anytime soon.
Posted by Beldar at 06:36 PM in Politics (2006 & earlier), SwiftVets | Permalink
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(1) Chris made the following comment | Sep 9, 2004 9:10:27 AM | Permalink
Primarily because the folks at Judicial Watch are a bunch of wackos. Dig through their press release archive for hours of fun.
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