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Thursday, September 02, 2004
Funniest line I've heard today: Scaring the children
From the NYT's coverage of Wednesday night's events at the RNC (boldface mine throughout):
Mr. Kerry's aides accused the Republicans of distorting his record โ and were particularly dismissive of [Sen. Zell] Miller.
"This angry old man is scaring the children,'' said Jay Carson, a Democratic Party spokesman.
To understand why this is funny, you also have to read this juicy bit from CNN earlier the same day:
Several [Kerry] campaign officials and advisers say they recognize the need to have an "adult" traveling with the candidate โ as one put it, "someone who can tell him to shut up, or change something if and when that is necessary" and quickly deal with other strategic issues from the road.
Be afraid, Kedwards Children! Be very afraid!
Posted by Beldar at 03:28 AM in Humor, Politics (2006 & earlier) | Permalink
Other weblog posts, if any, whose authors have linked to Funniest line I've heard today: Scaring the children and sent a trackback ping are listed here:
(1) Birkel made the following comment | Sep 2, 2004 3:51:51 AM | Permalink
That is one of the best 'catches' I've ever seen.
Absolutely hilarious.
Your loyal reader,
(2) Snowy made the following comment | Sep 2, 2004 8:17:32 AM | Permalink
>"This angry old man is scaring the children,'' said Jay Carson, a Democratic Party spokesman.
I'm getting very impatient with these idiots. What an ignorant moronic and ironic statement considering at the time he said it a school full of children is being held hostage by terrorists. THAT is what scares children.
I'm through negotiating, done with being Ms. Nice Person. Jay Carson and all of that ilk are onside with the terrorists. That's it and that's all.
(3) Dan S made the following comment | Sep 2, 2004 8:36:28 AM | Permalink
Nice catch indeed, Beldar.
Considering the Democratic habit of infantilizing their constituents, and their willingness to claim victim status to immunize themselves from attacks... this indeed translates into, "stop, you're scaring us!"
(4) SM made the following comment | Sep 2, 2004 12:45:24 PM | Permalink
how sad...Zell does get intense (which is what i like about him) but i don't think he would scare anyone unless they had a huge yellow streak running right down their back....
if on the off chance does scare someone change the damn channel, that's what i do when hillary comes on & the baby is in the room, don't want him to get upset & start screaming because of her again...
(5) Mikey made the following comment | Sep 2, 2004 1:34:58 PM | Permalink
If I remember correctly, children don't vote, only adults do. So the Kerry Campaign's line is either nonsense or they actually consider the American people a bunch of scared little children.
Pardon me while I step outside and swear at the condescending, arrogant, patronizing .....
(6) Paul H. made the following comment | Sep 2, 2004 2:15:38 PM | Permalink
I hope Fox News picks up your "catch" and mentions it, Beldar. Special Report with Brit Hume will note stuff like this in his "Grapevine" segment that comes right after the half-hour during his 1-hour show.
I'm 99% positive WSJ Opinion Journal would run it in their daily Online "Best of the Web today". I recommend you email them. OpinionJournal has responded to me when I've noted ironies and items (much more minor than this one) to them. They relish stuff like this and they always give credit.
Be good publicity for your blog, and this deserves maximum sharing.
(7) recon made the following comment | Sep 3, 2004 12:35:25 PM | Permalink
I think the Russians now have an extremely firm grip on what 'scaring the children' is all about in the real world, not the alternate perverted universe of the Democ-manic.
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