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Sunday, September 05, 2004

Brinkley continues to play coy on Kerry records

WABC Radio's Steve Malzberg interviewed Kerry biographer Doug Brinkley today, which interview generated this NewsMax.com report about Brinkley's guarded comments on the Navy Department's very preliminary-stage  investigation of Kerry's medals.  (Hat-tip to one of my readers and to InstaPundit.)  The report also has this bit, which puzzles and frustrates me:

The presidential historian called on Kerry to authorize the release of his full military file, saying, "Clearly some of these military records should be made available to the press."

I wish I'd heard the interview live, or had a full transcript, because I'd like to know whether Brinkley called on Kerry to release his "full military file," or whether he's really only calling for "some of these military records [to] be made available to the press."  All isn't some; the press, and we, have some already, but the problem is they're only the ones Kerry has decided to show anyone outside his campaign, and even then, he's apparently shown some of his military medical records only briefly to reporters, and then snatched them back so that no one can review them in any detail.

Moreover, coy Doug continues to dodge the question of why โ€” if, as he wrote in Tour of Duty, Kerry authorized Brinkley to obtain all of Kerry's military records directly from the Navy โ€” Brinkley won't either clear up some of the discrepancies himself, or better yet, turn over to everyone what Kerry authorized the Navy to turn over to him.

Posted by Beldar at 05:32 PM in Books, Mainstream Media, Politics (2006 & earlier), SwiftVets | Permalink


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(1) Mark L made the following comment | Sep 5, 2004 9:03:42 PM | Permalink

I don't think coming down on Brinkley is relevant. Kerry's the one not releasing the records. Brinkley may be his biographer, but he shouldn't be dragged into this simply because Kerry is hiding.

(2) OhMike made the following comment | Sep 5, 2004 10:29:32 PM | Permalink

Brinkley's remarks seemed pretty ominous for Kerry, actually. Brinkley acknowledged the possibility that there may be something "purposely" amiss with Kerry's records.. Brinkley also implied that if there is something wrong it could be lethal for Kerry. THAT is a story. HELLO, MSM! Are you awake out there?

That Brinkley said, "some" of the records should be released doesn't necessarily mean a subset of the complete records should be released. You're right, Beldar, that has been done.

I think what Brinkley meant is that some of the records that have not been released already should be made public so we can get to the bottom of this. Of course, Brinkley sicced the media on this, but will they follow the scent?

(3) Jim Roussell made the following comment | Dec 17, 2004 10:23:30 PM | Permalink

Please let me know your EMail Address

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